yes, its another post about my china application. even though not a whole lot of people read this, maybe
2 (take that back, 3. thank you sarah for following my blog) that I know of, i enjoy posting because i can just let it all out. my excitement, my nervousness and my news.
today, as i was religiously checking the CIEE site again, like i do everyday at least 10 times a day on my application, i noticed a change. instead of 6 items pending, 4 items complete, the checklist had CHANGED to 5 items pending, 5 items complete!!! they had started to process my application. the other completed things (4 before) were just random PDF files i had to read to show that i read the application rules, submitted everything via email, etc etc. oh, and my resume was one of them as well. i was so excited to see that one of the items they had looked at was my recommendation letter from nancy boes!! it was such a great letter and i hope that ciee liked it as well... like me as well actually. i was so excited. i went on to tell one of my co-workers by babbling on ... "my checklist went from 0 6 4 to 0 5 5!!" not mentioning what those numbers meant. :) she asks "i presume thats a good thing?" hahah i forgot to add in my excitement that the numbers corresponded to 0- items left on the checklist to submit 5-items pending 5-items completed. i knew that dan knew what i meant by 0 5 5 so i assumed she knew. she was able to understand my excitement because she is waiting to hear back for a teaching fellowship so i was glad someone was there to be happy with me.
tonight i am not all that tired but i know i need to go to sleep. i have been sick and this whole staying up thing isn't going to help. i hope that tomorrow my checklist number changes again. :)
maybe i will live here? why am i such a nerd. i need to stop this nonsense looking up pictures. haha
oh by the way, the mini adventure i was looking for? found it. sarah, caryn, erin, lydia and myself are heading up to st. joseph mi in two weeks to see the water, explore the lighthouses, walk the icy piers, take pictures, and explore some pubs.
excellent :)