Friday, February 26, 2010

dance marathon

today, the school i work for held a riley dance marathon! it was my first time ever being a part of one and it was a blast! try being in a gymnasium with hundreds of kids dancing to "who let the dogs out?", teaching 5 & 6 year olds to the macarena and cha cha slide, as well as hearing piercing screams whenever high school musical, jonas brothers or miley cyrus came on! hate it? i LOVED it. the kids were so fun. i danced for about 45 minutes. lets just say, im exhausted. most kids just run around trying to do flips, but some really know how to get down. haha the best quotes of the afternoon went like this:

  • "Yeah, i can dance like Michael Jackson. But, he is dead now. I will just dance like his ghost"
  • "I am so sweaty from dancing. I could fill a pool with it all. It's kinda gross."
  • "I think I will take a rest from the dancing. These stuffed animals need my attention.
  • "I am not dancing because i think i have this disease where you are sweating but you are really not." (that one was weird. i didnt know how to respond :)
  • "Miss Inholt, you dance just like me?" I wasnt sure if that was a compliment.
Afterwards, we had an all school assembly. Our principal said if we raised over $1000 he would shave his head. We raised something like $1, 230.23! A bunch of teachers got a chance to shave his head. Good thing my name wasn't drawn! I would have been too scared. My kids wanted me to sooooo bad though!

In other news, i cut my hair. Its shorter, more stylish and more blonde. I wasnt sure about it at first, but it's growing on me. I will get used to it. I am sort of a plain jane so this cut is quite a change for me. Nothing else on the application yet. I'm so impatient that I am going crazy. Im trying not to think about it. I just wanna know. Not knowing is the worst!


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