post secret is such a powerful thing. it lets people tell there secrets to the world when they have never told anyone before. that can be so freeing. i check the website every sunday for the new secrets. its therapeutic for me to see that people all over have issues, secrets, problems, just like i do. i am not saying mine are as extreme as some on there, but it really helps me cope with the issues i am facing in my life.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” Plato

i especially love finding a card that is my secret. makes me feel less alone.
now, onto more exciting things :) china! everything is officially sent in - forms, money (yikes) and my picture for chinese schools to look at. my "lifestyle photo" they call it(to the left). i am very excited to get out of here! i think about it every day! right now it is just a waiting game to find out my teaching placement. i am keeping fingers crossed for primary school. i have been watching youtube videos of people teaching classes over there and i get really excited. i just want to know what level i will be teaching so i can start preparing! and shipping some materials over! i am SO HAPPY lauren and jeff are letting me have a webcam to take :) they are so sweet to do that for me, and its one less thing i have to worry about financially. love you both!
the rest of my day i will be listening to andrew bird and cleaning.
probably putting these songs on repeat - heretics, imitosis, armchairs, fake palindromes and anonanimal
shit jami. you gave me a new obsession annnnd right before finals. i hate you right now :)
BUT I LOVE YOU!!!!! we have to peruse the bookstore and sit there for hours looking thru the books :)
i swear you would've already known about it! i am so obsessed! def - a bookstore date. the books are really cool
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