Sunday, June 27, 2010

n.i.t.e ride pictures!

 the ride was absolutely awesome, yet exhausting! 3500 bikes!! it was definitely the most fun i've had all summer, while getting exercise! 20 miles was ridiculously far for never really riding my bike more than a mile before, but it was worth it. i was sweating from every pore. the trek started at the veladrome and rode through downtown indy (monument circle, the capitol, the war memorial) then through Butler and the IMA gardens! The hills were killer and next year, I will definitely do some training.   AND buy some padded spandex biking shorts. I am so sore from sitting on my bike seat and pedaling for about 2 hours straight.
it was so much fun to get out in Indy in the middle of the night and see things from a bike! it was so pretty and just a blast chatting with Jen and Michele, along with yelling "Hey, Lance Armstrong on your left!" hahah  with one more summer activity down, that means July is basically here - which means, china is closer! i've decided to purchase a one way ticket to shanghai. i have not found out my ending date of of my contract yet, and what if i decide to travel? or what if i stay another semester. i am not closed to that idea. you just never know what life has in store and i'm not gonna box myself in with a round trip ticket. i might be paying more money to do this, but it's what i want to doIf you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.

  (this was at the half way mark! mile 10!)


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