Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Woo-hoo for Wunan!

i'm into my second week of teaching and I am beginning to love the school even more.
Here is some background on Shanghai Wunan Kindergarten. It is an international school primarily but also has local classes. It is located right next to the US Embassy and is very expensive (or so I've heard). I mean, I have one kid whose mom is a very famous actress and dancer. She is now a huge director here in Shanghai. Another mom is the daughter of one of the biggest construction firm owners in Shanghai. Most kids live in the area, have drivers and aris (nannies).
the kids range from ages 2-6. it amazes me how young they start school! basically all the 2 year olds do is cry, poop, scream, throw up and run away from people. thank GOODNESS i am not with them. of course, they are ADORABLE but... too much to handle. I have two 2 year olds in my 3 year old class... that's enough for me, thank you. Everyday the students arrive, they get breakfast. There are sports activity, free time, English lessons (taught by Jami Laoshi :) pronouned low (like ou in ouch) and shu (like su in sugar). its so cute when they call me that. those 3 year olds melt my heart. 

sneak peak of my kids :) not very good, but my camera batteries have died and they won't charge here in china... lame. gotta get that taken care of this weekend. i also teach a 6 year old class! i loooove them! they are so interested in what i have to say and really listen. i mean, how can you expect  3 year old to listen for more than 10 minutes? especially when they don't understand me... not at all or close to not at all. a little frustrating, but i am sure i will get into the swing of things soon. anyways, 6 year olds!! great class - out of 13, i have 11 boys. whew. rough. one boy speaks 4 languages. he makes me look dumb. haha i am sure i will have so many stories and pictures of these kids in the months to come :)

oh, did i mention i got my first gift today :) it's from Joy, a little girl in my 3 year old class. its a pen!! the stem comes out and it suctions to my desk. so cute. i was so excited. i over-hugged, i am positive.

 and ps. teachers meetings here are just like in america. gotta have that starbucks :)


Brook said...

Bwahahaha... mothers trying to act all hip with their starbucks lol

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