Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ming ming mania

once i get back from Thailand, and blog probably like 10 posts about it, i am going to start featuring some of my favorite students here on my blog with stories about them and pictures. ok ok i know i shouldn't have favorites, but you all know that is impossible, whether you are a teacher or not.

oh ming ming.
my goodness.
i know i have posted this picture before, but you all needed a visual. again.

ming ming has been quite the terror as of recent, but does that dethrone him from my "favorite boy in the 3 year old class" position? of course not!

the little list:
1. he has started roaring. like a dinosaur. out of nowhere. in lessons, during lunch, while he is using the bathroom, while he is washing his hands, when he wakes up from nap... anytime. anywhere. i turn around and think "what in the world?" every time. you are thinking ... oh how cute right? yeah, i did the first 10 times, but not time 11 to 100. his dad informs me he is not sure why he does it.

2. he kicks me. and hits me. once, in the face. he thinks it's hilarious mind you! this really does irritate me. one day i gave him a little slap on the hand... his face straightened up right away. but, for all those who know me... i have trouble in the discipline section of teaching. so as soon as i saw his face basically looking freaked out and sad... i gave him a big smile and said "now ming ming it's okay, just don't do it again silly!" and squeezed his cheeks and went on with playing. (i'm working on it, ok! don't judge me. scroll up to his face and tell me you wouldn't do the same)

3. he likes to crawl under my legs which is pretty funny, and to get back at all the roaring and hitting, i sometimes trap him in between my knees. haha he doesn't like it. but we both laugh anyways.

nonetheless, ming ming has my heart and every day when he comes in crying i pick him up and wipe his tears away. Yes, one full semester later he still cries every day. its a bit ridiculous actually. its like, now he is used to crying at 8:50 every day. i don't think he even knows why he is crying anymore

he makes me laugh each day though, hard. belly laugh hard.
one of the 874832743 reasons i love china: ming ming.

batman ming ming

bawling ming ming

first meeting ming ming

christmas ming ming


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