Friday, February 11, 2011

chinese new year

sorry for the interruption in the thailand posts, but i need to get a chinese new year post in!

what can i say about the CNY... hmm.
1. there is a lot of red lanterns, red ribbons, red firecrackers, red... everything. everywhere!
2. a lot of rabbit decor as well, since it IS the year of the rabbit.
3. the fireworks were out. of. control for about 3 days. lack of sleep and loss of hearing. they were lighting them off at 7am. they were lighting them off at 7pm. and 1am. and 11am.  basically 24 hours a day.
4. i got a 3 week paid vacation! you can't complain about that.

i was able to go to yuyuan, one of my favorite shanghai spots, 2 times this week to see all the decorations.
they were a little over the top, but fun!
here are some pics :) enjoy!
the firework aftermath in front of my apartment. no joke, on sunday night, i felt like i was in a war zone!

eating tang hu lu! it's fruit with this hard sugar coating over it. it's AMAZING!
(oh, and sporting the lens-less glasses phenomenon that is taking over China!) it's so fun.

all the crazy blow-ups in the water that i assume tell the story of the CNY

yuyuan all lit up and a big rabbit :)

more weird blow ups :)


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