Thursday, February 25, 2010


i am sitting in my office/building/portable/whatever today on my prep period, which i like to call my "sit around and stare at the wall" period. or "get online and use my password since everything is blocked" period.

since my last post, i am down to 3 items pending on my application. 7 completed. & its sat like that for 2 days now. come on! why so slow to check 3 scanned documents? who knows. my attempt at patience just crumbled. this very second. now that i can rant about it to the online world.

i tutored yesterday. madison and i. we had a great time! beginning with me catching two, asian, pre-teen, punk rockers slammed up against the wall making out in a tutoring room, in a library, in the kids section! talk about a... ummm... awkward moment and then followed by alot of "miss inholt, what were they doing? were they kissing? why were they kissing? is that allowed?" it was quite humorous. so, as we leave her mom was stuck at the hospital and her dad was still 45 min away? what do we do? we go downtown and have some hot chocolate together :) as we are walking out she says "miss inholt, you look like a fairy princess with those snow flakes in your hair" how precious is that? I was elated the rest of the evening. oh what a 6 year old can say to just melt your heart.

 the other night, i couldnt sleep. for some reason i got in my head, why did i name my blog becoming jami? well, i know, but do they know? as i turn twenty three and this new year is ahead of me, i am using this year to find out who i am.  the lifelong question. i want to find out what i am all about. what makes me tick? what are my passions? how far am i willing to go to pursue those passions? why do i act the way i do? why do i put up with certain things but not others? what is my sttylleeee? haha questions! i want to become someone for ME. not for anyone else. i want to be comfortable in my own skin. and i am doing just that. :) or trying to.


Anonymous said...

I'm following this blog now - I didn't even know you were doing it! I started at the beginning and am working my way to present time. I have always thought that you have always seemed like for you and nobody else and I love that. However, I will pray that for your 23rd year you find
all of these things you are seeking.

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