Sunday, October 24, 2010

weekend and some sillies

played around on photo booth with the kiddies!

leo - mr. quiet

nicholas and xixi

mark, hong, me, leo

mark and bobo

overall - the weekend was a success! friday night, went out on the town with the gang to celebrate the 2 month mark in our adventure of a lifetime. saturday, relaxed and got some work done in the day time. that night, i went to alice and amanda's apartment with the gang again and played some games, had some wine,  and enjoyed a jam session by the ever so talented jake and shaun. love having sing-a-longs with the group. today, mac and i went to a starbucks and busted out the lesson planning for the week and then...

dun dun dun (scary sounds...)

came home to a kitchen FULL of GNATS. AAHHH! they have infested our drain. we have bleached them, we have used Raid... they are mutant! so gross... we are clean, i swear! after dealing with the gnat situation we visited our local Marks and Spencer for some inexpensive wine. OH and our WINDOW falling out in our kitchen and our STOVE stopping working... we needed some wine. it was necessary.

wine is REALLY pricey here! but this place has great choices at a great price. i also bought some amazing soup! or maybe it was mediocre, but anything remotely close to western food in china is amazing.

came home to an evening of wine, lesson planning and music.
this week is going to be crazy! Halloween festivities all week - lessons, programs, teaching... whew.
cheers to it being great :)


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