Wednesday, November 30, 2011

now you're in newww yorrrkkkk!

For the thanksgiving holiday, Tim invited me to spend it with him and his family in Connecticut, and also to spend my birthday in New York City. I was beyond excited and literally had a countdown going as soon as the tickets were bought!

I got to the airport in New York City and was just elated to see Tim again! My suitcase came very quick (surprisingly) , after a few delays in Philly. It felt like I was never going to get there! After he picked me up we drove into Connecticut and I met his brother and Dad. After relaxing for a few, his mom came home from work, we enjoyed some fun conversation and wine (of course). Later that evening we joined his aunt and uncle with their family for dinner. We all sat at the table wearing tissue paper crowns and playing with trinkets from these "poppers" his aunt had gotten. I wish I had taken a picture, but here is something I found on the internet.

You pull each side and inside the middle piece are prizes! It was fun to see what everyone got. Again, I really wish I would have taken pictures. I am sure we all looked silly in our crowns and playing with our "toys" (whistles, ring toss, notebooks, gold watches, dominoes... :)

Thanksgiving was the next day. It was such a wonderful day full of relaxing, eating, drinking and OF COURSE football! Now, I am not a football fan (we all know this) but, I didn't mind :) Tim and I went to the beach and took some pictures. At dinner that night we all sat at one big table and enjoyed each others company. It was a picture perfect moment. I could not help but smile.

the beach behind Tim's house

The next day I met more family and friends. Tim and his brother Ben had a party on Friday night at their house where I pretty much met everyone they grew up with and went to high school with. It was so nice to put names with faces. Everyone was extremely welcoming and nice! I felt like I fit right in :) I am excited to see them all again.

Saturday was the big "birthday" day for me :) We left for NYC that morning and met up with Natalie and Jake downtown. Mini China reunion!!  We ate at a place called Hummus Kitchen. Natalie is an expert at finding awesome places. In China, she was always finding great spots. Nat and Jake walked us to the theater for Wicked. On the way someone was moving out of their apartment and they had stuff for free in the street. Jake picked up a dart board set named "The Bandit". Just like China times, Jake making everyone laugh.

Next, and it only takes one word: WICKED! The main reason we came to the city! It. Was. Amazing!! I was totally amazed at everything. I couldn't take pictures inside, but the set, the actors, the costumes, EVERYTHING. I seriously had goose bumps a few times. 

I have a great boyfriend. He gets the best gifts :)

After Wicked we visited Times Square, saw the Empire State building and then had dinner at a Spanish tapas place called Mercat. The food, atmosphere and drinks were so amazing!
(Ok, NYC itself is just amazing! I feel like I need new words other than "great", "awesome", "amazing"...)
We then went walked down Bleeker St. and found a cool little bar where we drank, laughed and just enjoyed being together. 
It was the best birthday I ever had.
Thank you, Tim :)

My last day we went to brunch with his brother Ben and his girlfriend, saw Serendipity, the cafe from one of my favorite movies (we wanted to go in but we knew the line would be so long), and walked around Central Park. We sat on a bench and talked for a long time. I loved that part. It was sweet and romantic.

ummm, hello? It's the Hotel Empire. Gossip Girl? Chuck Bass?
I won't lie. I pretended I was on Gossip Girl all weekend.
xoxo :)

Coming home was extremely hard. NYC was just unbelievable and being with Tim was wonderful! Good thing I will see him right after Christmas and then he is officially moving to Bloomington to go to IU. Being less than 2 hours away is much better than 15! 
Oh and p.s our hotel had an awesome view of the 9/11 Memorial. I had really wanted to see it but there were no reservations open!

There are 2 memorials actually but the picture I took had tons of construction in the way. This picture is much clearer. I stared out the window for awhile at it. It was very moving.
Truly, I <3 NY.


sarahannnoel said...

Looks like you had a fabulous time, my dear! I'm with you--I love going to the city!


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