Wednesday, May 18, 2011

another quote

... but this time, as i like to call him, by my "beer guy".

about 10 steps out my door is a small store that sells all sorts of things to drink, snacks, ice cream, candy, you name it. it's literally a small hole in the wall.
i usually go in there to buy beer, i'll be honest. it's cheap. it's cold. it's within walking distance.
but, i also go in there for ice cream a lot too, gatorade and bottled water.
tonight i go in there for some ice cream and water and the following conversation ensues...

BG - beer guy
J - jami

*all in chinese i might add.

BG - hello, do you want beer?
J - no, i want ice cream and water tonight.
BG - no, you want 5 bottles of beer tonight.
J - (laughing) no, just water and strawberry ice cream!
BG - i've had 5 bottles tonight. you want 5 bottles too!
J - my health is bad, i just want water!
BG - beer is so good!
J - yes, beer it very good.
BG - oohhhh maybe tomorrow? 5 bottles?
J - (laughing) good bye!


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