Friday, November 19, 2010

i am LEGIT

today as i was walking home from work, minding my own business, listening to The Swell Season, having my normal staring problem and looking for anything interesting to happen when i was approached by a Chinese couple that i assume wasnt from around here. i felt them approaching me from about a mile away. i just had this feeling as i was waiting at the crosswalk they were going to come towards me. it was a weird feeling.
i take out my headphones ready to say "Dui bu qi, wo bu dong Zhongwen" or ("I'm sorry, I do not understand Chinese") but then they started talking to me and get this, I understood! i really understood somehow. He said something to the extent of "Where is Ruijin Rd?" I stood there for about 5 seconds trying to process his request and then it happened... i said "You guai shanxi. Zou guai shaoxing." or ("Right on Shanxi and Left on Shaoxing")... but as I was ever so proudly speaking with them a chinese woman came in and stole my glory! HELLO! I had the situation handled!

for those of you that know me, I am not the best at directions and i tend to take the longest way possible sometimes only because i know its a safe bet.

as they start to saunter away, i realize ... wait! if you keep going straight, this road will hit Ruijin without having to turn.
so i tap them again and say "Qian mien (spelling i am not sure on that one, all i know is it means go straight) Yongjia" and waved with my hands and then made a "T" motion because Yongjia and Ruijin T each other.
they laughed and smiled and told me my Chinese was good! "hao!"
They then asked me where i was from.
Proudly, i answered "Wo shi Meiguoren!" or "I am American!". They gave me a thumbs up and went on their merry way.

Also, I am pretty sure later they made fun of me.
1. I was overly excited to give directions.
2. That is the type of language you use when telling your cab driver where to go. I am sure there are other words when someone isn't driving. :)

This American girl can survive here and give directions! How awesome is that?


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