Sunday, November 28, 2010

a very shanghai thanksgiving

my roommate mac and i decided to have all our friends over for a true thanksgiving. there were many places we could have gone to have a real turkey dinner with all the fixings, but, it was going to be very expensive and we wanted it to be more like family :)
we cleaned our apartment all night on Thursday in preparation for Friday evening.
we had about 20 people here and 7 rotisserie chickens (as well as mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, stuffing, fruit plates, bread and butter, brownies, cookies, veggies, etc! :) We had actually ordered 8 since we had a bunch of boys coming, but the delivery guy only showed up with 5. what can you do? but, jake to the rescue and brought 2 more. :) it was waaaay less expensive than getting a turkey.
the night was so much fun! we all went around said what we were thankful for and what has been our favorite shanghai moment so far: mine was the jazz festival and when mac and i got caught in the typhoon in Pudong :)

(i will have to say as a side note, another favorite moment happened to me today in my cab ride. the lady cab driver -which is very rare in china- was listening to the radio and Taylor Swift's "Love Story" came on. of course i was going to start singing it. so here i am, busting it out in the cab. turns out she loves the song too and joins in with me a little. i never thought i would be in shanghai, in a cab, singing taylor swift with my chinese cab driver. it was amazing! :)

did i mention Bethany made pumpkin pie, well, something pumpkin pie-ish and i was in heaven!
being away from home for holidays is really getting to me, but being with friends who are struggling with the same thing makes it a little better. i am trying not to think about Christmas. aaahhhhhh
my centerpiece :)

 the food!
my favorite aussies on their 1st thanksgiving!
oh and the best quote of the night -- shaun begins to list what he is thankful for as natalie says "Shaun, you are just listing your facebook interests. That's not thanksgiving." soooo funny!

the chickens, haha or as we called them all night "churkeys"

jake ceremoniously cutting the "churkey"

dinner on the stairs. :)

pumpkin deliciousness

some of the gang


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