Thursday, November 11, 2010

my morning and afternoon walk - part er (2 in chinese)

i have been walking to work for about a month now and as you might have read in a prior post, i love it. i love everything about it!
i write this post to tell you some recent trends i have noticed and some people i have named (i see a few people at the same time everyday and usually pass them in the same spot each time.

1. the "fruit lady" - this lady is always sitting in front of her store either a.) shucking some corn b.) washing something in dirty water or c.) straightening her potatoes

2. the "little girl with the roller backpack" - this little girl wears a red bandana and pulls a pink and white plaid backpack. she always seems in a hurry. she is super precious though!

3. the sony ericsson cell phone girl statue - this is not a real person obviously, but it is a semi-provocative looking statue. it is a girl talking on her cell phone with her midriff showing and a short skirt. about 2 days a week this statue has either a banana peel on the head, or trash stuffed in the elbow pits (her hands are on her hips). i get a good laugh everytime.

4. the "CEO-ish looking dad" with a baby in a stroller - all i know, this guy is all business. and he basically is sprinting everytime i see him.

5. the "hip old lady" - this lady has style! she is always sporting some type of fabulous, totally asian boutique buy jacket, killer boots, tights, a skirt or dress and she struts when she walks! girl still knows how to rock it.

6. the "breakfast lady" - i don't know WHAT this lady is making, but it always looks good and there is always someone waiting in line. one day i will get up the courage to order one... need to improve my chinese first. "wo yao ... uhhh.... nage?" (I want... that?)

7. then, you have the about 10 elderly people who swerve around the sidewalk like they own it. one time, i wasn't paying attention and knocked into one. oops...

8. the constant game of frogger - fact: motorbikes stop for no one. cars stop for  no one. traffic lights don't really matter nor are they followed. bikes go the opposite way into traffic if they feel like it. they WILL run you over if you feel like it. i have to keep aware at all times or i will be... frog leg dinner :)

that about does it. oh, and that is my morning walk. i never notice the same people on my way home... maybe i am just less observant. after dealing with kids who dont speak my language all day, i am just focused on getting home, my iPod and maybe... a glass of wine.

my route :)

ps. i don't know if i posted a picture of my dark hair as of recent, but here it is.
yes or no?  :)


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