Thursday, March 4, 2010

material world

I just purchased the book Material World: A Global Family Portrait by Peter Menzel and I cannot wait for it to get here! I heard about this book awhile back and somehow it always gets lost from my memory. At random times the title pops back in my head and I go to and just stare at the Add to Cart button. I finally bought, brand new i might add, and i know its going to be great. This photojournalist, Peter Menzel, brings together a visual portrait of 30 different nations by showcasing their possessions all in one place, their homes. The photographers that helped him each spent one week living with a "statiscally average" family in each country. They learn about their work, their attitudes toward their possessions and their hopes for the future. Then, they take a picture of the family outside their home surrounded by all (many or few) of their material goods. I think a person's material possessions show so much about a person. When I look at my possessions, what do they say about me? What do I really have to show for just by looking at them? It's a hard question to ask and to think about. What could I be doing with my money that could possibly benefit someone other than myself? I am interested in learning and seeing what this book has to offer.

I also purchased the book River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze by Peter Hessler. (Woah, these authors have almost the same name). This book is about a man who joins the Peace Corps for two years and teaches in a small Chinese city. I wanted to purchase the book Oracle Bones too by the same author but I decided to wait. Maybe I should check out my local library instead of spending my money on books. There is something about owning a book though that makes me feel good. My desk is overflowing with books right now. I love it, but would also like a bookshelf. I am considering purchasing a bookshelf and getting rid of my desk. Now that I am graduated, I never use it. Hmmm....


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